
Project diablo 2 class changes
Project diablo 2 class changes

project diablo 2 class changes project diablo 2 class changes

A few examples of builds the team have focused on, for instance, are melee-powered Amazons, martial arts-focused Assassins, and axe throwing Barbarians. All seven playable classes are being reworked to some extent, in fact, capitalising on the game’s impressively open class design to elevate class fantasies that aren’t currently viable in high-level play. The team isn’t interested in messing with things that work, and will instead focus on giving players more options. The changes will be geared around opening up new opportunities. Patch 2.4 - which will be coming to a PTR (Public Test Realm) on PC early next year - is set to make significant changes, close to 12 years since the last such update.

project diablo 2 class changes

Now, however, Blizzard has announced a new patch coming to Diablo II: Resurrected that will once again take the experience somewhere new. That game took the underlying game logic of the original and laid a 3D engine laid over the top, and the goal was to keep the gameplay (almost) exactly as it once was. That version of the game - 1.13c to be precise - was the foundation upon which Diablo II: Resurrected was built. And yet, more than 21 years after Diablo II first launched, that’s not the end of the story. That was to be the evermore version of the classic action-RPG. Diablo II’s last meaningful balance-focused patch arrived on March 23, 2010.

Project diablo 2 class changes